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取暖器 电取暖器

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最后更新: 2018-11-27 03:22
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10000 台

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  • 所在地区:山东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:804
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    阳光电暖器是经过多年研究,经过多次的试验,自发研发出的一种新型的,高效的,真正省电,省时,省力的,适 合于老百姓使用的电暖 器。散热均匀,升温快,热率高,三分钟表面可达90-120℃,具有较强的散热作用,与市场 上同类产品陶瓷式、热片式、石英式、油汀式 电暖器相比,节电达2/3以上。 产品使用特点: 1.发热快:通电即热,三分钟表面达到额定温度。 散热均匀:本产品采用的是面状发热体,散热均匀,而且可以产生较强的对流及热传导。 2. 高效节能:本产品采用的是高科技的碳晶作为导体,电热转换频率达到98%以上,能量损耗少,效率高。 3.安全可靠:本产品严格按照国家标准生产制造,安全可靠,而且无噪音及其他任何污染。 4.使用方便:本产品厚度薄、重量轻、安装和移动极其方便灵活。 5.寿命长:本产品通过老化测试和用户使用结果,寿命不低于10万小时。不断裂,不脱节,不氧化,发热及散热性 能一直良好。 6.经济性:效率高,比金属丝发热体节电60%以上,省电节能。方便住宅小区物业管理,无日常维护费用,。可终身 免维护,节省维护费用。 适用范围: 本产品适用于家庭,宾馆,饭店,居民小区,养殖场,婴儿房,车间,办公楼,医院,长油站,等供暖,也可适用 于工业保温,恒温,烘 干及花窖加温,繁殖繁华,微生物酶菌发酵等取暖。 注意事项: 1.严禁覆盖衣服,棉衣 2.防止水,油等液体渗入,以免漏电。 3.老人,婴儿不要靠近,防止烫伤。 4.长时间不使用时,请断开电源。


    ○ 舒适  通电即热,升温快,1-3分钟即可达到工作温度。使用中无电磁干扰和污染、无灰尘、无噪音。

    ○ 安全可靠、寿命长  产品的零部件和整机均经严格筛选,老化和检测介电强度超过标准2000v,其碳纤维加热体 经高温高压复合而成,本产品重量轻、无污染、结构坚固、使用寿命不低于10万小时。

    ○ 高效节能  热交换效率高,长丝碳纤维发热体的电热转换率达98%以上,比金属丝发热体节电40%以上,省电节 能。使用寿命可达30年以上。方便住宅小区物业管理,无日常维护费用,。可终身免维护,节省维护费用。

    ○ 理疗保健  使用过程中可产生远红外线。远红外线被现代医学界称为“生命之光&dquo;,对人体有远红外线保健作 用。

    ○ 使用方便  安装方便/无需安装,可随时挪动使用位置。0530-6150990

    地址:山东郓城工业开发区电暖器厂 网址:

    Sunlight electic heate is afte yeas of study, afte many tials, spontaneously developed a novel, efficient, time-saving, labo-saving eal powe,, suitable fo old people to use electic heate. Unifom heat dissipation, fast heating, high heat efficiency, thee minute suface of up to 90-120C, has a stong cooling effect, and maket simila poducts ceamic type, hot chip, quatz type, oil heate electic heate, saving up to 2/ 3 of the above.Poduct chaacteistics:1fast heating : electic heat, thee minute suface eaches the ated tempeatue.Unifom adiation: This poduct is used in the flou shaped heating body, heat evenly, and can geneate stong convection and heat conduction.2enegy efficiency : This poduct is used in high-tech cabon cystal as a conducto, electic convesion fequency eached moe than 98%, less enegy loss, high efficiency.3: the safe and eliable poducts in stict accodance with the national standads fo manufactuing, safe and eliable, and no noise and othe pollution.4easy to use: This poduct is of thin thickness, light weight, convenient and flexible installation and moving extemely.5long life : This poduct is tested by aging and using esults, life of not less than 100000hous. Not boken, not out of line, no oxidation, heating and heat can be good.6economic: high efficiency, than the metal wie heating somite electicity above 60%, enegy saving. Convenient esidential popety management, daily maintenance cost,. May the lifelong fee maintenance, maintenance cost saving.Scope of application:The poduct is applicable to families, hotels, hotel, esidential quates, fams, the baby oom, wokshop, office building, hospital, long oil station, such as heating, can also be applied to industial insulation, tempeatue, dying and flowe Pit Heating, popagation of flouishing, micobial enzyme fementation and othe heating.Mattes needing attention:1 pohibited coveing clothes, cotton-padded clothes2peventing wate, oil and othe liquid, so as to avoid leakage.3old, infants do not close, pevent scald.4long time when not in use, please switch off the powe.Poduct featues:In the comfot of electicity that is hot, fast tempeatue ise,13minutes up to woking tempeatue. Without the use of electomagnetic intefeence and pollution, no dust, no noise.XXX is safe and eliable, long life poducts pats and engine ae the stict sceening, aging and testing the dielectic stength moe than the standad2000V, the cabon fibe heating body with high tempeatue and high pessue compound and into, this poduct is light weight, no pollution, solid stuctue, the sevice life of not less than 100000hous.High efficiency and enegy saving, high heat exchange efficiency, heating filament cabon fibe body of the electic heating convesion ate of 98% o moe, than the metal wie heating body can save moe than 40%, powe-saving festival. Sevice life of up to 30 yeas. Convenient esidential popety management, daily maintenance cost,. May the lifelong fee maintenance, maintenance cost saving.In physical theapy and health cae use pocess can geneate fa infaed ay. Fa infaed ay by moden medical industy known as the "light of life", on the human body has a fa infaed health cae fo use., convenient installation and convenient / no need to install, can move using the position.Addess: Shandong Yuncheng Industial Development Zone electic heate factoyWebsite:0530-6150990



