天猫臭氧仅生产消毒灭菌设备:臭氧发生器.Tianlong Ozone only the poduction of disinfection and steilization equipment :Ozone geneato.
只因专业,才能质优价优。Because pofessional, can be excellent quality pice.
可根据您的需要设计各种大中小型非标产品Can be designed accoding to you needs a vaiety of small medium and lage non-standad poducts
可以为您免费提供小样试验Can povide you fee sample test
管道式臭氧机 水处理臭氧机臭氧灭菌柜
Poduct featues and advantages:
1.Stong oxidizing popeties of a wall-mounted ozone disinfection using ozone, and ai steilization, disinfection, clean indoo ai. Because ozone diffuse gas steilization puification Hassle. So the effect is unmatched by othe disinfectants. Its most impotant featue: no ozone pollution esidues and seconday disinfection puification pocess.
2, this seies of poducts fo the family oom, offices, confeence ooms, hospitals, public places of entetainment, waehouses, food and beveage plants, fams, laboatoies, locke ooms and othe places.
3, this seies is handsome in appeaance, small size, high efficiency disinfection, ozone (O3) yield, low enegy consumption, disinfection and steilization fast, no esidual and seconday pollution, disinfection and steilization machine pices low opeating costs; has a complete compute pogamming contolle and oveload and shot cicuit potection, geatly impoving the eliability and sevice life of the steilization opeation. Wind 45 degees swing, moe conducive to the spead of ozone gas steilization. With automatic delay off function with emote contol with a vaiety of disinfection mode.
The basic paametes of the poduct:
Hee ae the pictues of the ozone geneato:
Disinfection: Ozone can kill bacteia, spoes all pathogenic micooganisms, fungi and viuses, and aticles on indoo ai can each the ideal suface disinfection and steilization effect.
Remove the smell: the smell of ozone emoval excellent pefomance, it can quickly oxidative decomposition odo, fumes, dust and odos geneated by othe oganic o inoganic substances, played the ole of fesh ai.
Mildew pesevation: ozone to kill mold and has a stong ability to inhibit, while absobing the ethylene gas dischaged fom fuits and vegetables inhibit the stoage of fuits and vegetables continue to matue, fo food, fuits and vegetables have excellent mildew, Pesevation.
Insect Repelle: Ozone unique to quickly get id of the smell can be moe sensitive to odos and insects, small animals, such as ats and cockoaches.
Pomote health: Ozone can quickly estoe oxygen, incease indoo oxygen concentation, pomote human cell activation, impove blood ciculation and metabolism, pevent disease.
Poduct Scope:
Hospital: opeating oom, supply oom, pepaation oom, wads, teatment ooms, outpatient oom, injection oom, toilets, medical equipment and supplies
Blood: Blood ooms, steile ooms, blood bank, etc.
Food plants, beveage plants: wokshop, waehouse, packing mateials, buffe oom, dessing oom, laboatoy, wok clothes, manufactuing equipment, etc.
Phamaceutical (Biochemical Factoy): steile wokshop, waehouse, buffe oom, dessing oom, laboatoies, wokshops, etc.
Health Poducts Factoy: poduction wokshop, packaging wokshop, waehouse, wok clothes, etc.
Aquacultue: indoo chicken plant, animal plant, steile inoculation, cultivation, etc.
Agencies, schools, kindegatens: offices, classooms, confeence ooms, auditoiums, estauants, domitoies, eceation ooms, tablewae, toys, bathoom, etc.
Public places: theate, hotels, estauants, entetainment hall, salon, beauty salons, Kaa OK hall, etc.
Waehouse pesevation: food, eggs, hebs, fuits, vegetables, aquatic poducts, meat, etc.
Function Rooms: banks, govenment agencies, entepises and institutions, factoies, etc.
Achives, libaies: File mildew, insect, moth, etc.
Family: bedoom, living oom, kitchen, bathoom, stoage oom, etc.
Special steile envionment: clean studio, animal fams, vaccination and othe steile
Othe: all walks of life who need to disinfect indoo ai, eliminate odos mildew pesevation can be teated with ozone disinfection machine
Installation Methods1.本机可安装在室内墙壁上风口处,离地1.5米左右。也可以放置在离地面1.5米左右的地方。
1. The machine can be installed on the inteio walls of the outlet, about 1.5 metes off the gound. It can be placed about 1.5 m fom the gound aeas.2.通过微电脑控制器设定开机时间,可以设定若干个开机停机时间。该机会根据您所设定的时间自动开机,关机。
2. Set the boot time by micocompute contolle, you can set a numbe of powe-down time. The boot automatically set accoding to you time off.3.电压220V±10%为宜,供电电压值过低或过高请用户附加稳压器。
3. Voltage 220V ± 10% is appopiate, the supply voltage is too low o too high, please attach a use egulato.4消毒杀菌要求无菌房间需将门窗密闭,相对湿度小于60%最佳,消毒效果更好,停机50分钟后,人员就可以进入室内了。
4 Steilization equies steile oom doos need to be closed, elative humidity less than 60% of the best disinfectant bette, down 50 minutes late, the offices can ente the oom.5.一次性开机消毒时间30-60分钟为宜,消除异味场所开机时间可适当延长30分钟。5. Steilized disposable boot time 30-60 minutes is appopiate, eliminate odos places boot time may be extended fo 30 minutes.
6. Indoo seious bacteial and vial contamination, indoo tempeatue high gowth boot time, wheeas the boot time.7.消毒机切勿与水接触,易燃易爆场所禁止使用。7. Do not contact with wate disinfection, pohibit the use of flammable and explosive places.
1, the fist geneation of poducts: plastic shell ozone geneato as shown below:
2, the second geneation poduct is plastic shell, as shown below:
3, the thid geneation of the poduct is made out of stainless steel, as shown below:
4, the fouth geneation of poducts is stainless steel shell, as shown below:
Shandong food plants with pictues: