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销售美乐斯/MLS-986 标准键盘 新款 正品 特价 全新

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最后更新: 2017-06-30 13:35
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  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:822
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    供应MK-906美科电子琴 61键专业演奏型 力度键盘 乐器批发 222.00 供应MK-2081美科2081电子琴 54键多功能教学型 湖南乐器批发市场 79.00 供应MK-933美科933电子琴 61键专业演奏型 数码电子钢琴 乐器批发 530.00 美乐斯电子琴MLS-9919 力度键盘 新款 正品 特价 全新 395.00 供应YM-6100永美电子琴 keyboard electronic 61键 126.00 卡西欧电子琴 CTK-2200 CASIO 高级考级琴系列 钢琴键盘 正品 供应MK-920美科MEIKE920电子琴 61键多功能教学型 键盘乐器批发 226.00 销售卡西欧数码钢琴 88键电子钢琴 Privia系列 电钢 PX-135BK 2750.00 供应美乐斯MLS-9929电子琴 立式电子琴 力度键盘 USB播放 520.00

    Guangzhou Hebikuo Musical Instrument Manufacture Co. Ltd & Guangdong Gaoyao City Fenhe Musical Instrument Factory, are professional musical instrument and accessories suppliers. We manufacture a large line of musical instruments and accessories like guitars, violins, pianos, musical stands, guitar stands, keyboard stands, guitar capos, electronic organ stands, etc. So far, Hebikuo Music instrument has broadened its experience in musical instrument dealing, and increased its scale to become one of the largest exporters of musical instruments and accessories from China to abroad. Nowadays, more than 60% of our products are exported internationally, such as North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Australia, Taiwan, etc. Developing our products according to the customer’s request, our products enjoy a good reputation among our customers both at home and abroad. Moreover, our company has established business relationships with more than 5000 clients both in country and overseas and cooperates with many renowned musical instrument makers of china. With over 10 years of scientific management system development, we have become a large-scale enterprise which combines research, production and marketing to achieve a win-win trading benefit between us and our customers. Workshop Products: musical stands, guitar stands, keyboard stands, guitar capos, electronic organ stands, microphone stands, sax stands, elevator electronic organ stools, drum stools, exhibition stands, all kinds of hooks. ect.
    Sales Management: keyboard series: Casio, Yamaha, Misson, Yongmei, Xinyun, Melos electronic piano, pianos. String series: Patriot; Maiya and Hebikuo’s folk guitars: electric guitars; electric basses. Hit series: Bogart jazz drums; Jinbao jazz drums. Folk music series: Dunhuang; Kapok violin; Xinghai Yangqin and all kinds of musical accessories.

    Address:No.B2 Block10, B Industrial road, Shijin Hongxing Guangzhou, China.



